You Know They Don't Love You Back When...
Symptoms of Lovesickness
One Broken Heart
Too Many Unwiped Tears
That E m p t y Feeling
Pain. Lots and lots and lots and lots of pain. So deep it cuts into your very being. Leaving scars that will last long after the pain.
When more time is spent on the person you love than you would ever spend on yourself. Even if they would never give you the same sacrifice, and couldn't care less what your time is spent on.
No matter what you will always believe there is hope. And you despise yourself for it.
When your Heart has been ripped out, and ignored, yet still can't let go.
When you would do anything for your love... Even if it means that you can't love them.
When you try to find new ways to hate them. Becuase then at least it wouldn't hurt so much.
When everything is out of your control.
When you can't say why you love them, and to you that's the strongest love anyone can ever have.
When you realize that you can never, ever have them...again...
When you have finally hit the lowest low. And no one can bring you up, and anyone who can will never be there.
When you care so much about the person you forget about everything else completely, even your health and well-being.
When you sit and write something like this crying to yourself, and wondering why you are so pathetic.
When you can't sleep at night becuase when you close your eyes, they are standing there to remind you that you are alone.
When you feel all these feelings, but are too afraid to tell them, becuase you're scared they might not care. And the truth is they probably won't.
When you feel their presence everywhere. But you don't want to because it's just another reminder of how far away they really are.
When the pain is so great, you feel that giving up altogether is th only choice, when really you have so much to live for.
When they have told you that they don't love you. And you would do anything to say those same words...and mean it.
But the only words that you can say are:
I love you, and no matter what happens I will still love you and I still think of you all the time. I know it means nothing to you, but you mean everything to me.
Please if anyone ever falls in love with you and feels this strongly. Don't shrug it off like it is nothing, I'm not asking you to love them back, I'm just asking you to care.
And if anyone ever falls in love with someone this strongly and they don't love you the same way, hold on to every last bit of sanity you have. Don't let it completely ruin who you are. You are a wonderful person and can pull through. You will have some very rough times. But, it will get better...
I hope. At least that's what I've been told.
“Yang saya maksud dengan perwira adalah orang-orang yang tidak merasa kehilangan apa pun ketika bersikap hormat dan peduli kepada orang lain; orang-orang yang tidak merasa rendah ketika meninggikan harkat dan martabat orang lain. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang merasa malu ketika merasa dirinya lebih penting daripada orang lain siapa pun orang lain itu “
Senin, 13 Januari 2014
He wants to be with you! Woooooaaaaaa. Slow down
So you’ve met a guy who you want to be with, and he has done some things that make you believe he FOR SURE wants to be with you.
Are any of these the things? Then you might want to think again.
1. Sleeping with you.
So a man just put his business in your business. He wants to be with you, right? Wooooaaaaa. Slow down, ‘what will our wedding song be?’. Two businesses colliding doesn’t always mean good things. Remember the merger between Sony and Michael Jackson? Probably not, but it ended terribly. Michael thought Sony wanted to be with him because they put their business with his. He was wrong, and because of that, nobody heard ‘Butterflies’. He’s seen your butterfly, but it doesn’t mean he wants it around him all the time.
2. You called your vagina a ‘butterfly’ in front of him and he didn’t say anything.
So you’re walking past a table you don’t notice. Boom! You’ve slammed your vag into the edge. Hurt? Yes. But you can’t just yell out, ‘Ow! My vag! My goddamn vag!” in front of a man you’ve just started seeing. So you call it the name you’ve given it. ‘Ow! My butterfly!’ You pause, realize what you’ve done, and wait to see what his reaction is. He doesn’t have one. You’ve just said the pet name you have for your vagina in front of your new guy and he didn’t freak out! He must want to be with you! Woooooaaaaaa. Slow down, ‘time for a road trip to see if we’re ready to live together’. He didn’t say anything, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t think anything. He is NOT INTO that for sure. You think it’s cute, sure, but what would you say if he smashed his junk in a car door and yelled, ‘Ahhhh! My caterpillar!’ … Exactly.
3. Holding your hand in public.
So you’re walking down the street with him, and he starts to hold your hand. In front of other people! In public! He must want to be with you, right? Woooooaaaa. Slow down, ‘hopefully my dad will walk me down the aisle’. Women like men who are with other women. Women don’t seem to be attracted to men who are walking the earth alone and depressed. He started to hold your hand to let other women around know that he’s with a woman, which means he’s worth being with. He’s holding YOUR hand, but hoping that the girl with great legs locking up her bike notices.
4. Saying he wants to meet your friends.
So you’re hanging out, and out of nowhere, he says he wants to meet your friends. He wants to meet your friends? He wants to know some of the people you’ve known your whole life? He must want to be with you! Wooooooaaaaaa. Slow down, ‘I always knew the right one would come along’. A man wanting to meet your friends does not mean that he wants to be with you. He thinks you’re cute, so he wants to see if you have cute friends. Men like looking at women. You’re a woman with access to other women. He’s gonna want you to show them to him! Also, every girl has a friend of hers who she doesn’t trust around men. He’d like to meet her.
5. Saying, ‘I want to be with you’.
A lot of girls fall for this one. The old ‘I want to be with you’ speech. Girls hear it and think, ‘well, he for sure wants to be with me. He just said so!’ Woooaaaa, slow down, ‘we’ll have blue wedding invitations’. Don’t run off and get fitted for a dress just yet. What was the context when he said this? Were you laying naked in each others arms? Maybe he just doesn’t want to have a naked argument. Being naked with a woman is supposed to be a good time, not a time to explain why you’re not at a stage in your life where you can just commit to one person. Explaining yourself while a flaccid penis is floating around? Not a great time. Or maybe he said ‘I want to be with you’ while at dinner. Don’t trust that either. He probably just wanted you to pass the breadsticks.
6. Saying he’s not in this just for the sex.
He’s seen you naked in every position possible, and you want to know if this is going somewhere. So you ask him if this is just for the sex. He looks you right in the eyes, and responds, ‘No. I’m not in this just for the sex.’ Oh, man! That’s the answer! He wants to be with you! Woooooaaaaaa. Slow down, ‘his and hers matching towels.’ Any man who has said this statement has said it for a reason. Does Kobe need to tell you he can hit 3′s? Does Bill Gates need to tell you he’s rich? Nope. So why would a man whose not in it just for the sex have to tell you that? Because he is COMPLETELY in this just for the sex, and is trying to throw you off the trail. If he wasn’t, he would have said, ‘of course not, stupid. Now let’s watch season 7 of Seinfeld again.’
7. Taking you to meet his parents.
‘Oh, wow. I’m meeting his PARENTS. Meeting the parents is a big deal. He must want to be with me!’ Wooooaaaa. Slow down, ‘we’re getting engaged’. Not everyone thinks their parents are cool or care about their opinions. To some, introducing you to their parents is a big thing. It’s a ‘mom, dad, here’s who I love and I want you to meet them because I am close to you’. For others, it’s ‘Look, I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. But for some reason, this is supposed to be a normal thing so I’m doing it. I don’t care if you like this girl or not. I still have unresolved issues with you, and she’s here to be a reason to bail at any minute. I don’t like how you spoke to me? She suddenly has to work in twenty minutes.’ Now you’ve wasted a weekend talking to people that he doesn’t care about. Worse things have happened.
8. He asks you to stay in the middle of the night after sex.
So, you’ve had sex. It’s 2am. You’ve never stayed over before, and he says, ‘why don’t you just sleep here.’ Oh, wow! He just asked you to stay over! He must want to be with you! Woooooaaaaa. Slow down, ‘time to order my train.’ He watched the news that night and heard that there is a guy whose kidnapping women in his area. What happens if you go outside at 2:30 am and are thrown into some maniac’s trunk? The cops will talk to the person who saw you last, the man whose house you just left. And what’s he gonna say to them? “Ummm, I asked her to leave because I’m not ready for a relationship.” Now he’s being questioned about where he was the last four nights that women were kidnapped. His alibi is you, but you can’t be reached because you’re in the back of an Oldsmobile Cutlass that’s heading to the dock where you’ll be sold to human traffickers. Is any of this worth it? No. So stay over, but don’t read too much into it.
So you’ve met a guy who you want to be with, and he has done some things that make you believe he FOR SURE wants to be with you.
Are any of these the things? Then you might want to think again.
1. Sleeping with you.
So a man just put his business in your business. He wants to be with you, right? Wooooaaaaa. Slow down, ‘what will our wedding song be?’. Two businesses colliding doesn’t always mean good things. Remember the merger between Sony and Michael Jackson? Probably not, but it ended terribly. Michael thought Sony wanted to be with him because they put their business with his. He was wrong, and because of that, nobody heard ‘Butterflies’. He’s seen your butterfly, but it doesn’t mean he wants it around him all the time.
2. You called your vagina a ‘butterfly’ in front of him and he didn’t say anything.
So you’re walking past a table you don’t notice. Boom! You’ve slammed your vag into the edge. Hurt? Yes. But you can’t just yell out, ‘Ow! My vag! My goddamn vag!” in front of a man you’ve just started seeing. So you call it the name you’ve given it. ‘Ow! My butterfly!’ You pause, realize what you’ve done, and wait to see what his reaction is. He doesn’t have one. You’ve just said the pet name you have for your vagina in front of your new guy and he didn’t freak out! He must want to be with you! Woooooaaaaaa. Slow down, ‘time for a road trip to see if we’re ready to live together’. He didn’t say anything, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t think anything. He is NOT INTO that for sure. You think it’s cute, sure, but what would you say if he smashed his junk in a car door and yelled, ‘Ahhhh! My caterpillar!’ … Exactly.
3. Holding your hand in public.
So you’re walking down the street with him, and he starts to hold your hand. In front of other people! In public! He must want to be with you, right? Woooooaaaa. Slow down, ‘hopefully my dad will walk me down the aisle’. Women like men who are with other women. Women don’t seem to be attracted to men who are walking the earth alone and depressed. He started to hold your hand to let other women around know that he’s with a woman, which means he’s worth being with. He’s holding YOUR hand, but hoping that the girl with great legs locking up her bike notices.
4. Saying he wants to meet your friends.
So you’re hanging out, and out of nowhere, he says he wants to meet your friends. He wants to meet your friends? He wants to know some of the people you’ve known your whole life? He must want to be with you! Wooooooaaaaaa. Slow down, ‘I always knew the right one would come along’. A man wanting to meet your friends does not mean that he wants to be with you. He thinks you’re cute, so he wants to see if you have cute friends. Men like looking at women. You’re a woman with access to other women. He’s gonna want you to show them to him! Also, every girl has a friend of hers who she doesn’t trust around men. He’d like to meet her.
5. Saying, ‘I want to be with you’.
A lot of girls fall for this one. The old ‘I want to be with you’ speech. Girls hear it and think, ‘well, he for sure wants to be with me. He just said so!’ Woooaaaa, slow down, ‘we’ll have blue wedding invitations’. Don’t run off and get fitted for a dress just yet. What was the context when he said this? Were you laying naked in each others arms? Maybe he just doesn’t want to have a naked argument. Being naked with a woman is supposed to be a good time, not a time to explain why you’re not at a stage in your life where you can just commit to one person. Explaining yourself while a flaccid penis is floating around? Not a great time. Or maybe he said ‘I want to be with you’ while at dinner. Don’t trust that either. He probably just wanted you to pass the breadsticks.
6. Saying he’s not in this just for the sex.
He’s seen you naked in every position possible, and you want to know if this is going somewhere. So you ask him if this is just for the sex. He looks you right in the eyes, and responds, ‘No. I’m not in this just for the sex.’ Oh, man! That’s the answer! He wants to be with you! Woooooaaaaaa. Slow down, ‘his and hers matching towels.’ Any man who has said this statement has said it for a reason. Does Kobe need to tell you he can hit 3′s? Does Bill Gates need to tell you he’s rich? Nope. So why would a man whose not in it just for the sex have to tell you that? Because he is COMPLETELY in this just for the sex, and is trying to throw you off the trail. If he wasn’t, he would have said, ‘of course not, stupid. Now let’s watch season 7 of Seinfeld again.’
7. Taking you to meet his parents.
‘Oh, wow. I’m meeting his PARENTS. Meeting the parents is a big deal. He must want to be with me!’ Wooooaaaa. Slow down, ‘we’re getting engaged’. Not everyone thinks their parents are cool or care about their opinions. To some, introducing you to their parents is a big thing. It’s a ‘mom, dad, here’s who I love and I want you to meet them because I am close to you’. For others, it’s ‘Look, I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. But for some reason, this is supposed to be a normal thing so I’m doing it. I don’t care if you like this girl or not. I still have unresolved issues with you, and she’s here to be a reason to bail at any minute. I don’t like how you spoke to me? She suddenly has to work in twenty minutes.’ Now you’ve wasted a weekend talking to people that he doesn’t care about. Worse things have happened.
8. He asks you to stay in the middle of the night after sex.
So, you’ve had sex. It’s 2am. You’ve never stayed over before, and he says, ‘why don’t you just sleep here.’ Oh, wow! He just asked you to stay over! He must want to be with you! Woooooaaaaa. Slow down, ‘time to order my train.’ He watched the news that night and heard that there is a guy whose kidnapping women in his area. What happens if you go outside at 2:30 am and are thrown into some maniac’s trunk? The cops will talk to the person who saw you last, the man whose house you just left. And what’s he gonna say to them? “Ummm, I asked her to leave because I’m not ready for a relationship.” Now he’s being questioned about where he was the last four nights that women were kidnapped. His alibi is you, but you can’t be reached because you’re in the back of an Oldsmobile Cutlass that’s heading to the dock where you’ll be sold to human traffickers. Is any of this worth it? No. So stay over, but don’t read too much into it.
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