“Yang saya maksud dengan perwira adalah orang-orang yang tidak merasa kehilangan apa pun ketika bersikap hormat dan peduli kepada orang lain; orang-orang yang tidak merasa rendah ketika meninggikan harkat dan martabat orang lain. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang merasa malu ketika merasa dirinya lebih penting daripada orang lain siapa pun orang lain itu “
Minggu, 04 Januari 2009
In this chapter, will be discussed about describing poor England society caused by the underpressure of monarchy government (preassure from people who have a power). The overthrow of “Mark” is is caused by England society’s suffer which is can not be hidden.
‘In every cry of every man’
- The stanza of text above, is known that everyone cries, that is expression of suffer related with a problem and borden faced. It is extreemely hard so that they can not stand to face it.
‘In every Infant’s cry of fear’
- In this line, the sacred cry of infant means to show that there are the big changing in England society’s live. The industry revolution suffers England society.
‘In every voice, every ban’
- This line tells that every rule which is published by the government is just the rule that make people suffered more and more. The repeatness of ‘every’ tells that the suffering is occurred in England. It is happened to everyone, there is no exceptation.
‘The mind – forged monacler I hear’
- This line tells that the shackle which limit society’s mind is occurred. It shows that the rules of Monarchy makes loss of freedom of society in deciding, giving opinion, and thinking.
‘How d’ chimney – sweeper’s cry’
- It describe about the companies which give a work to the children because the less wages or commision. Children is useful to clean the dirty, black chimney of company.
‘Every blackening church appals’
- Konotatively, it is used to describe about the occuring of church revolution. The role of church is only play in religious path before, now it moves to the concentrate in govermental path.
- Denotatively, as a result of industrilisation. The smoke polute air and it makes the church in black color.
‘And the hapless soldier’s sigh’
- the soldiers of England is suffered caused by Monarchy government do the expansion in due to get larger subjugated territoy.
‘Run in blood down Pallace walls’
- The obstruction of sigh and cries by the Pallace walls shows that any sigh to the kingdom side is totally obstructed. Pallace wall is the existence of separated wall between suffering and glamour living in the pallace.
‘But most through midnight streets I hear’
- This line describe about the atmosphere of night in England city street. It is used to get the atmosphere of squeeze and the existence of mysery and ghost.
‘How the youthful harlot’s curse’
- This line tries to tell about there are many woman who caught in prostitusion in due to survive. It is related to the switching of man change into machine in industrilisation.
‘Blast the New-born Infant’s tear’
- This line describes about the result of prostitution occurred in England. The infants which is just born is suffering sex disease, syphilis.
‘And lights with plagues the Marriage hearse’
- In this closing line, describes about the marriage in England is based on certain political needed, so that the marriage is potencialy giving or trasferring a siphilis or any sexual transmitted disease which is suffered by many Harlot women.
This imagery in the London poetry by William Blake has a big role in creating the atmosphere which is full filled with a pressure, suffer of England society. In this analysist of London poetry, there are many kind of imagery, such as :
A. Visual imagery
The first stanza :
- ‘each charactered street’ gives a describsion about city’s cental street which is long, wide, and strong and crowded.
- The second line : ‘the charactered Thame’ gives a describsion about Thames Strait which is populated, great means of international transportasion.
- The third line ‘mark in every face’ gives describsion about England society always be around in every London street.
- The fourth line ‘mark of weakness, mark of woe’ gives describsion about the specific expression of England society. Their face looked sad, pale, withered, and weak.
The second stanza :
- the first line ‘every man’ gives the picture of England society which is known have a tall posture, white skin, and long hair.
- The second line ‘infant’ gives a picture about little baby, cute, purified, and innocent.
The third stanza :
- The first line ‘chimney-sweeper’ gives the picture about company chimney cleaner child and picture of dirty, narrow and lack of fresh air chimney.
- The second line ‘the blackening church’ gives picture of England church which is blacked and describe about serious social problem in England during the last 17 of century.
- The third line ‘the hapless soldier’ describe about the weak and powerless condition of soldiers.
- The fourth line ‘ palace wall’ gives a picture of the strength, high, luxury, and full of power the wall or palace completed with all the elegant inside.
The fourth stanza, closing :
- The first line ‘midnight street’ describe about blake atmosphere, and dark in every corner of England city street and creates squeeze.
- The second line ‘youthful Harlot’ describe about night living in street of England city which full filled with a prostituted.
- The third line ‘new born – infant’s tear’ describe about the tear of an infant who just born by Harlot.
- The fourth line ‘the marriage – hearse’ gives a picture about a marrital ceremony as a funeral.
- The first line ‘cry of every man’ is like express a cry loud of people in England.
- The second line ‘infant’s cry of tear’ seems like express the cry loud and loud as a baby cry.
- The third line ‘Every voke, every ban’ seems like express the loud sound of monarchy government which announce their rules.
- The last of this thirhd stanza, ‘mind – forged monacles’ express the unreal cry loud of pressured mind of society which seems blocked.
- The first line third stanza ‘chimney sweeper’s cry’ express children’s cry. They usually sigh and show their hard borden as a chimney sweepe.
- The second line ‘hapless soldier’s sigh’ express soldier wishes. Soldiers notice there are something wrong in the rules published by Monarchy government.
- The second line fourth stanza ‘ youthful harlot’s curse’ express the curse filled with hatred to the prostituted.
- The fourth line fourth stanza ‘blight with plagues’ express Harlot’s curse.
- The first stanza ‘weakness and woe’ seems transferring the suffer, the pressure, and the weakness occurred in England society.
- The second stanza ‘tear’ gives the feel of scared, squeeze, and under pressure suffered by England society as a result of many social problem occurred.
- The third line ‘every ban’ creates feel of under pressure and the loss of fredom in an England society.
- The fourth line second stanza ‘mind – farged manacles’ shows the powerless of England society to face the shackle in acting and thinking as a result of Monarchy rules.
The imagery of moving is found only in the first stanza. It is ‘wander’ and ‘does flow’
- ‘I wonder through each chartered street’ describes the exploration of England city street. People use wonder, and the reader seems can follow the plot. Rings the street of England cities is possible.
- ‘The chartered Thames ‘does flow’ show the movement and rules of Thames Strait water which seems make the reader melt together with the waves and ripples which surround them.
In a first and second line from first stanza are ‘chartered street’ and ‘chatered themes’. Both of that metaphore are similarize street and river status and rental material status.
The other point of view are occurred in a third line second stanza ‘in every voice, every ban’ which is separated by punctuation, comma (,) in order to similarize voice / rule which is decided by Kingdom with ban or prohibition.
The first paradox is occurred in a first line second stanza ‘the chartered street’. The London street should be general transportasion facility to the society, exactly be rented or conquered by monarchy government. He
In a second line first stanza ‘ chartered themes’. The strait of Thames which is the most important transportation means and the most populated in england is also conquered by monarchy government.
In a third stanza is occurred paradox ‘blackening church’ to express that the church which become black in both physic and funcsion. In this case, church which is identified with a white color, purified, sacred, and impressive exactly is described become black.
The last paradox is occurred in a closing line of poetry, ‘the marriage hearse’. In this case, marriage which is described as a bliss, is similarized with a hearse which is presented as a death or sadness.
‘Church’ in the second line third stanza is a symbol of purified, sacred, impressive of Christian.
‘Palace’ in the third stanza is a symbol of power and strong of the king. The poet arrange palace with a ‘wall’ which is also a symbol of greatness, strenght, and the power of king.
‘Midnight’ in the first line fourth stanza is a symbol of darkness, death, and funeral. The word ‘midnight’is also identical as a period where there are ghost and mysterious power which is invissible.
‘New born infant’ in the fourth stanza third line is a symbol of purified, and also new hope. This symbol describe the purified, and genuineness of infant who just born and hopes which is accompanied that born.
‘Marriage – hearse’ in the fourth stanza fourth line is a combination of symbol happiness, and imortality. From the marriage which is paradoxed with a symbol of death, dark, and sadness from the hearse.
Hyperbole is occurred in the fouth line third stanza ‘run in blood down palace walls’. It is expressed that the cry ‘chimney sweeper’ the blake church, and the sigh of England army is performed as a blood which is flow in a palace wall in this stanza. It is felt so hyperbole as the cry and sigh chimney sweeper and England army is never blood as described by Blake.
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